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Bouma Schedule and Program - as of (4 April 2023)

Tuesday 18 April

Optional Workshops (Utrecht University)

Wednesday 19 April (Utrecht University)


8.45  Welcome by Organizers

Theme: Mud Matters; the influence of clay and silt on depositional processes, deposits, and architecture.


9.00–9.30  Keynote—Friction in the relationship between the Bouma sequence and mud: time for reconciliation?—Jaco Baas




9.45–10.00  Settling experiments of carbonate sand-mud suspensions—John J.G. Reijmer


10.00–10.15  Unidirectional and combined transitional flow bedforms: processes and distribution in submarine slope settings—William J. Taylor


10.15–10.30  Hindered settling versus Guiness Waves in dense, silt-dominated far-travelled submarine gravity flows: comparing model predictions to observations in core—Frank J. Peel


10.30–11.00  coffee break


Theme: Process Stratigraphy; process controls on deposits and architecture of channels, lobes, and transition zones.


11.00–11.30  Keynote—Break-down of mud clasts as a trigger for flow transformation: Linkages between mud clast character and downflow facies transitions in hybrid event beds, Cloridorme Formation, Quebec—Elisabeth Steel


11.30–11.45  Syn-depositional growth of sea-floor reliefs: Boltaña anticline, Ainsa basin, Eocene Echo Group, Southern Pyrenees—Cai Puigdefàbregas


11.45–12.00  The Annot confined fill and spill turbidite system: from transgression to termination—Stan Stanbrook


12.00–12.15  Turbidite facies tracts as related to flow criticality and efficiency in tectonically confined basins: an outcrop perspective—Roberto Tinterri


12.15–12.30  The evolution of a submarine canyon as a sediment conduit—outcrop study of a coarse-grained canyon fill on the Baja California Pacific margin, Mexico—Max Bouwmeester


12.30–14.00  lunch break and posters


14.00–14.15  THE TACHRIFT PROJECT: sedimentary architecture of turbite channel-levee deposits (Tachrift System, Taza–Guercif Basin, Tortonian, NE Morocco—Fabrizio Felletti


14.15–14.30  Sedimentary architecture of the superbly exposed channel-levee Complex 5 of the Tachrift Turbidite System (Tortonian, Taza–Guercif Basin, NE Morocco)—George Pantopoulos


14.30–14.45  When the levee breaks: giant deep-water levee collapse into the Hikurangi Channel, offshore New Zealand—Adam McArthur


14.45–15.00  Flow interactions with an unstable submarine canyon wall: the Rosario Formation, Baja California, Mexico—Ed Keavney


15.00–15.15  Deepwater siliciclastic processes (post-Cretaceous) along the South American and Caribbean plate boundary: implications for prospectivity in the tectonically- and process-dynamic margin—Leiser Silva


15.15–15.30  Gravity flow deposits from the Corinth Gulf, Greece, reveal key controls on sediment delivery into the deep sea during the glacial–interglacial cycle—Martin Muravchik


15.30–16.00  tea


16.00–16.15  Sediment transport over complex salt and deepwater foldbelt topography: fill and spill revisited in a fully 3D example for the deepwater US Gulf of Mexico—Gillian Apps


16.15–16.30  Turbidites, reworked turbidites, and contourites: diagnostic criteria and implications—F.J. Hernández-Molina


16.30–16.45  Sedimentary architecture of submarine lobes affected by bottom currents: insights from the Rovuma Basin offshore East Africa—Mei Chen


16.45–17.00  Sediment waves as a tool to understand deep-water current evolution, Senegal Basin, NW Africa—Selin Deniz Coskun


17.00–17.15  Quantification of the bed-scale architecture of submarine depositional environments—Zane Jobe


Conference Dinner (optional) - Wednesday evening

The conference dinner will be held on the first conference day, which is Wednesday evening. It will be located in University Hall, Room 1636, Domplein 29, 3512 JE Utrecht


Thursday 20 April


8.45  Welcome by Organizers


Theme: Modern Environments; modern marine and lacustrine data sets of gravity flows, bottom currents, and their deposits.


9.00–9.30  Keynote—Current controlled sedimentation in some of the roughest oceans: the Drake Passage and the Argentine Basin—Elda Miramontes


9.30–9.45  Oceanic circulation in a tide-dominated submarine canyon (Bay of Biscay): implication for transient sediment transfer and cold-water coral reefs—Ricardo Silva Jacinto


9.45–10.00  Thermohaline versus gravitationally induced sediment waves: differences and similarities—Daan Beelen


10.00–10.15  Depositional architecture of the Late Pleistocene Danube Fan—Howard Feldman


10.15–10.30  AUV high-resolution bathymetry of axial-transverse drainage ineraction in the structurally controlled subaqueous channels in the Gulf of Corinth, Corinth Rift, Greece—Martin Muravchik


10.30–11.00 coffee




11.15–11.30  First direct observations of a submarine landslide (Homathko Delta, BC, Canada)—Matthieu Cartigny


11.30–11.45  How channel–lobe and intra-channel transition zones control the depositional architecture of modern turbidite systems on a decadal scale—Gustavo Lobato


11.45–12.00  Confirmation of century-scale sequences in the debris-flow-dominated Nahal Darga Delta, Dead Sea—John Holbrook


12.00–12.15  Turbidity current–contour current interaction across submarine channels: the effect of channel aspect ratios on flow interaction—Pelle Adema


12.15–12.30  How are slope channels affected by bottom currents?—Ben Kneller


12.30–14.00  lunch break and posters


Theme: Modelling; new approaches in numerical and physical modelling of deep water sedimentation.


14.00–14.30  Keynote—A dimensionless framework for predicting submarine fan morphology—David Hoyal




14.45–15.00  Phyical modeling of the impact of changing slope-to-basin morphology on the emplacement, erosion, and transport of sediments by along-slope continuous currents—Matthew S. Musso


15.00–15.15  Flow behavior of unconfined turbidity currents interacting with containing topography at different incidence angles—Ru Wang


15.15–15.30  Shape-dependent settling velocity of skeletal carbonate grains: implications for calciturbidites—Arnoud Slootman


15.30–16.00 tea


16.00–16.15  What signals can deep-water fan strata record? A numerical experiment analysis—Peter Burgess


16.15–16.30  Linking sedimentary processes, dynamics, and the creation of stratigraphic patterns through computation—Ali Downard


16.30–16.45  Re-evaluating the heterogeneity in deepwater fans from outcrops and the subsurface: insights from computational stratigraphy—Ali Downard


16.45–17.00  Quantitative evaluation of deepwater fan hierarchy: insights from full physics based forward stratigraphic models—Ali Downard




Friday 21 April


8.45  Welcome by Organizers


Theme: Deep flux; submarine canyons as conduits for fluxes of sediment, organic carbon, pollutants, and nutrients to deep water basins.


9.00–9.30  Keynote—Lessons from recent direct measurements and sampling of sediment and organic carbon flux through Monterey and Kaikōura submarine canyons—Katherine L. Maier


9.30–9.45  The important role of Whattard Canyon as pathway and sink for organic carbon—Furu Mienis


9.45–10.00  An overview of the transport and fate of microplastics in deep-marine environments—Ian Kane


10.00–10.15  Organic carbon budget for submarine Congo Canyon: the overlooked role of canyons as temporary terrestrial organic carbon stoes—Megan Baker




10.30–11.00  coffee


11.00–11.15  The submarine Congo Canyon as a conduit for microplastics to the deep sea—Florian Pohl


11.15–11.30  Organic carbon transport to deep water by extreme events: case study of Elliot Creek GLOF, BC, Canada—Sanem Acikalin




11.45–12.00  What is the long-term flux of sediment off the shelf? Insights from the Cenozoic of the northern Gulf of Mexico—Michael L. Sweet


12.00–12.15  Palaeozoic mesophotic ecosystems supplied from the shallows by deeply incised erosional channels (Silurian, Gotland)—Piotr Łuczyński




12.30–14.00  lunch break and posters


Theme: Petroleum and beyond; applied uses of deep water sedimentology.


14.00–14.30  Keynote—Turbidity currents: major new advances from directly measuring flows in action, and where next?—Peter J. Talling


14.30–14.45  The hierarchical division and architectural anatomy of submarine channels—Dongwei Li


14.45–15.00  The ability of submarine canyons to establish an initial equilibrium profile dictates depositional processes and products during canyon fill: a comparative study of contrasting styles and canyon fill in the Lower Cretaceous Agat Formation, Norway—Gijs Henstra




15.15–15.30  Downslope variability in deep-water slope channel fill facies and stacking patterns: implications for subsurface reservoir prediction and characterization—Benjamin G. Daniels


15.30–16.00 tea


16.00–16.15  Peter Talling, Joris Eggenhuisen, and Vitor Abreu—discussion forum on what we need to know and don't know to get modelling and prediction on the next higher platform


POSTER PRESENTATIONS (arranged alphabetically) – 

Posters can be presented during all three days of the meeting


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