function strataSpaceGUI % clear all; gui.main = 0; gui.f1 = 0; const.VERBOSE = uint8(1); % Flag to determine volume of text output produced - 0 is terse, 1 is verbose const.LENPDF = uint32(1000); % Maximum length of the PDF records const.N = uint32(1000000); % the number of iterations performed in Monte Carlo methods to populate the control volume and area data.trajLoaded = 0; data.inputEustasyPDF = zeros(1,1); data.eustasyPDF = zeros(1,const.LENPDF); data.inputSubsidPDF = zeros(1,1); data.subsidPDF = zeros(1,const.LENPDF); data.inputSupplyPDF = zeros(1,1); data.supplyPDF = zeros(1,const.LENPDF); data.supplyReferenceArea = 6.05E10; % Area in km2 used to convert the supply volume in km3 to a thickness in km. 6.05E10 is the area of Holocene Mississippi delta and shelf topset deposition data.lenSubsidPDF = 0; data.subsidRange = 0; data.subsidPDF = 0; % Function to convert the PDF into the correct required format data.subsidValuesCount = 0; data.subsidIncrement = 0; % Assumes that bin spacing is constant through PDF data.subsidMin = 1000000; % - subsidIncrement; data.subsidMax = 0; data.lenSupplyPDF = 0; data.supplyRange = 0; data.supplyPDF = 0; % Function to convert the PDF into the correct required format data.supplyValuesCount = 0; data.supplyIncrement = 0; % Assumes that bin spacing is constant through PDF data.supplyMin = 0; % - subsidIncrement; data.supplyMax = 0; data.lenEustasyPDF = 0; data.eustasyRange = 0; data.eustasyPDF = 0; % Function to convert the PDF into the correct required format data.eustasyValuesCount = 0; data.eustasyIncrement = 0; data.eustasyMin = 1000000; data.eustasyMax = 0; volPlotVars.test = 0; % Make sure that the data structure is created and exists before being referenced areaPlotVars.test = 0; % Make sure that the data structure is created and exists before being referenced flags.PDFsLoaded = 0; flags.trajectoriesLoaded = 0; flags.controlVolumePlotted = 0; flags.controlAreaPlotted = 0; initializeGUI(gui, const, flags, data, volPlotVars, areaPlotVars); end function initializeGUI(gui, const, flags, data, volPlotVars, areaPlotVars) % Create and then hide the GUI window as it is being constructed. % ScreenSize is a four-element vector: [left, bottom, width, height]: gui.scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); % vector scrWidthProportion = 0.75; scrHeightIncrement = gui.scrsz(4)/20; % Use this to space controls down right side of the main window controlStartY = (gui.scrsz(4) * 0.8) - (scrHeightIncrement / 2); controlStartX = (gui.scrsz(3) * scrWidthProportion) - 420; % position requires left bottom width height values. screensize vector % is in this format 1=left 2=bottom 3=width 4=height gui.main = figure('Visible','off','Position',[1 gui.scrsz(4)*scrWidthProportion gui.scrsz(3)*scrWidthProportion gui.scrsz(4)*0.8]); % Construct the control panel components. hDataFnamePathLabel = uicontrol('style','text','string','PDF data files path:','Position',[controlStartX+45, controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement, 200, 15]); hDataFnamePath = uicontrol('Style','edit','String','../controlPDFs/','Position',[controlStartX+200, controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement, 200, 25]); % Control PDF data files hSubsidenceFnameLabel = uicontrol('style','text','string','Subsidence PDF filename:','Position',[controlStartX+30, (controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement*2), 200, 15]); hSubsidenceFname = uicontrol('Style','edit','String','subsidencePDF.txt','Position',[controlStartX+200, (controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement*2), 200, 25]); hSupplyFnameLabel = uicontrol('style','text','string','Supply PDF filename:','Position',[controlStartX+40, (controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement*3), 200, 15]); hSupplyFname = uicontrol('Style','edit','String','supplyPDF.txt','Position',[controlStartX+200, (controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement*3), 200, 25]); hEustasyFnameLabel = uicontrol('style','text','string','Eustasy PDF filename:','Position',[controlStartX+40, (controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement*4), 200, 15]); hEustasyFname = uicontrol('Style','edit','String','eustasyPDF.txt','Position',[controlStartX+200, (controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement*4), 200, 25]); % Trajectory data file hTrajectoryFnameLabel = uicontrol('style','text','string','Control trajectory filename:','Position',[controlStartX+30, (controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement*5), 200, 15]); hTrajectoryFname = uicontrol('Style','edit','String','trajectory.txt','Position',[controlStartX+200, (controlStartY-scrHeightIncrement*5), 200, 25]); hLoadPDFData = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Load and plot PDF data',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*6),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.6 1.0 0.6],... 'Callback',{@loadPDFButton_callback}); hLoadTrajectoryData = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Load trajectory data',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*7),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.6 1.0 0.6],... 'Callback',{@loadTrajectoryButton_callback}); hCalculateAndPlot3DControlVolume = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Plot 3D Control Volume',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*8),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.9 1.0],... 'Callback',{@calculateAndPlot3DControlVolume_callback}); hPlot3DControlTrajectories = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Plot 3D Control Trajectories',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*9),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.9 1.0],... 'Callback',{@plot3DControlTrajectories_callback}); hCalculateAndPlot2DControlArea = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Plot 2D Control Area',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*10),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.9 1.0],... 'Callback',{@calculateAndPlot2DControlArea_callback}); hPlot2DControlTrajectories = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Plot 2D Control Trajectories',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*11),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.9 1.0],... 'Callback',{@plot2DControlTrajectories_callback}); hCalculateASTRRValues = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Calculate ASTRR values',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*12),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.9 1.0],... 'Callback',{@calculateASTRRValues_callback}); hplotTrajectoryProbabilities = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Plot trajectory probabilities',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*13),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.9 1.0],... 'Callback',{@plotTrajectoryProbabilities_callback}); hplotFigureKeyElements = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Plot figure key elements',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*14),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.8 0.9 1.0],... 'Callback',{@plotFigureKeyElements_callback}); hplotTrajectoryProbabilities = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Close windows & reset',... 'Position',[controlStartX+200,controlStartY-(scrHeightIncrement*15),200,25],... 'BackgroundColor',[0.972 0.513 0.474],... 'Callback',{@resetButton_callback}); % Assign the GUI a name to appear in the window title. set(gui.main,'Name','Stratal-Control-Space Plots') % Move the GUI to the center of the screen. movegui(gui.main,'center') % Make the GUI visible. set(gui.main,'Visible','on'); % NB because the following callback functions are declared within initializeGUI they can see all the variables passed to % initializeGUI, so constant, flags, and data, and these can then be passed on as required to the functions that the buttons call function loadPDFButton_callback(source, eventdata) subsidenceFileNameAndPath = strcat(get(hDataFnamePath,'String'),get(hSubsidenceFname,'String')); supplyFileNameAndPath = strcat(get(hDataFnamePath,'String'),get(hSupplyFname,'String')); eustasyFileNameAndPath = strcat(get(hDataFnamePath,'String'),get(hEustasyFname,'String')); fprintf('\n\n===================================================== Loading PDF Data =====================================================\n'); fprintf('Subsidence data from %s\nSupply data from %s\nEustasy data from %s\n', subsidenceFileNameAndPath, supplyFileNameAndPath, eustasyFileNameAndPath); [data, success] = loadPDFData(const, data, subsidenceFileNameAndPath, supplyFileNameAndPath, eustasyFileNameAndPath); if success == 1 gui = plotControlPDFs(gui, const, data); flags.PDFsLoaded = 1; % Set flag to enable rest of the button functions end end function loadTrajectoryButton_callback(source, eventdata) trajectoryDataFileNameAndPath = strcat(get(hDataFnamePath,'String'),get(hTrajectoryFname,'String')); [data, success] = loadTrajectoryData(const, data, trajectoryDataFileNameAndPath); if success == 1 flags.trajectoriesLoaded = 1; % Set flag to enable rest of the button functions message = sprintf('Trajectories successfully loaded from %s\n', trajectoryDataFileNameAndPath); m1 = msgbox(message,'Trajectory data loaded'); end end function calculateAndPlot3DControlVolume_callback(source,eventdata) if flags.PDFsLoaded && ~flags.controlVolumePlotted % Only plot if PDFs loaded and plot not already plotted fprintf('\n\n===================================================== Plot 3D Stratal-Control Volume =====================================================\n'); volPlotVars = calculate3DControlVolume(const, data, volPlotVars); gui = plot3DControlVolume(gui, data, volPlotVars); flags.controlVolumePlotted = 1; % Set flag to enable follow-on button functions else if ~flags.PDFsLoaded message = sprintf('Controls PDF data not loaded\nPlease use the load PDF data button first\n'); m1 = msgbox(message,'No PDF data loaded'); end if flags.controlVolumePlotted message = sprintf('Control volume already plotted\nPlease shut down current plot before plotting new\n'); m1 = msgbox(message,'Control volume already plotted'); end end end function plot3DControlTrajectories_callback(source,eventdata) if flags.trajectoriesLoaded && flags.controlVolumePlotted fprintf('\n\n===================================================== Plot 3D Control Trajectories =====================================================\n'); volPlotVars = plot3DControlTrajectories(gui, const, data, volPlotVars); else message = sprintf('Control trajectories not loaded or control volume not plotted\nUsed the load trajectories and plot control volume buttons first\n'); m1 = msgbox(message,'No traj loaded/vol plotted'); end end function calculateAndPlot2DControlArea_callback(source,eventdata) if flags.PDFsLoaded && ~flags.controlAreaPlotted % Only plot if PDFs loaded and plot not already plotted fprintf('\n\n===================================================== Plot 2D Stratal-Control Area =====================================================\n'); areaPlotVars = calculate2DControlArea(const, data, volPlotVars, areaPlotVars); gui = plot2DControlArea(gui, data, areaPlotVars); flags.controlAreaPlotted = 1; % Set flag to enable follow-on button functions else if ~flags.PDFsLoaded message = sprintf('Controls PDF data not loaded\nUse the load PDF data button first\n'); m1 = msgbox(message,'No PDF data loaded'); end if flags.controlAreaPlotted message = sprintf('Control area already plotted\nPlease shut down current plot before plotting new\n'); m1 = msgbox(message,'Control area already plotted'); end end end function plot2DControlTrajectories_callback(source,eventdata) if flags.trajectoriesLoaded && flags.controlAreaPlotted fprintf('\n\n===================================================== Plot 2D Control Trajectories =====================================================\n'); areaPlotVars = plot2DControlTrajectories(gui, const, data, areaPlotVars); else message = sprintf('Control trajectories not loaded or control area not plotted\nUsed the load trajectories and plot control area buttons first\n'); m1 = msgbox(message,'No traj loaded/area plotted'); end end function calculateASTRRValues_callback(source,eventdata) if flags.trajectoriesLoaded && flags.controlAreaPlotted fprintf('\n\n===================================================== Plot 2D Control Trajectories =====================================================\n'); calculateASTRRValues(data, areaPlotVars); else message = sprintf('Control trajectories not loaded or control area not plotted\nUsed the load trajectories and plot control area buttons first\n'); m1 = msgbox(message,'No traj loaded/area plotted'); end end function plotTrajectoryProbabilities_callback(source,eventdata) if flags.trajectoriesLoaded && flags.controlAreaPlotted fprintf('\n\n===================================================== Plot 2D Control Trajectories =====================================================\n'); gui = plotTrajectoryProbabilities(gui, data, volPlotVars, areaPlotVars); else message = sprintf('Control trajectories not loaded or control area not plotted\nUse the load trajectories, plot control volume and plot control area buttons first\n'); m1 = msgbox(message,'No traj loaded, volume or area plotted'); end end function plotFigureKeyElements_callback(source,eventdata) gui = plotFigureKeyElements(gui, areaPlotVars); end function resetButton_callback(source, eventdata) if isfield(gui,'f1') close(gui.f1); gui = rmfield(gui,'f1'); flags.controlVolumePlotted = 0; end if isfield(gui,'f2') close(gui.f2); gui = rmfield(gui,'f2'); flags.controlAreaPlotted = 0; end if isfield(gui,'f3') close(gui.f3); gui = rmfield(gui,'f3'); end if isfield(gui,'f4') close(gui.f4); gui = rmfield(gui,'f4'); end if isfield(gui,'sp1') cla(gui.s1); end if isfield(gui,'sp2') cla(gui.s2); end if isfield(gui,'sp3') cla(gui.s3); end % Reset data arrays here end end function [data, success] = loadPDFData(const, data, subsidenceFileNameAndPath, supplyFileNameAndPath, eustasyFileNameAndPath) success = 1; % Assume files will all load, but if they don't set this flag to 0 before the end of this function % Read in the subsidence PDF file and calculate useful values from the PDF to be used in the rest of the code if exist(subsidenceFileNameAndPath, 'file') data.inputSubsidPDF = load(subsidenceFileNameAndPath); else messageStr = sprintf('Subsidence PDF data file %s does not exist. Please ensure the named file is in the controlPDFs folder and try again\n', subsidenceFileNameAndPath); msgbox(messageStr); success = 0; return; end data.lenSubsidPDF = length(data.inputSubsidPDF); data.subsidRange = data.inputSubsidPDF(:,1); data.subsidPDF = definePDF(data.inputSubsidPDF, const.LENPDF); % Function to convert the PDF into the correct required format data.subsidValuesCount = length(data.subsidRange); data.subsidIncrement = data.subsidRange(2) - data.subsidRange(1); % Assumes that bin spacing is constant through PDF data.subsidMin = data.subsidRange(1); % - subsidIncrement; data.subsidMax = data.subsidRange(data.subsidValuesCount); % Read in the supply PDF file and calculate useful values from the PDF to be used in the rest of the code if exist(supplyFileNameAndPath, 'file') data.inputSupplyPDF = load(supplyFileNameAndPath); else messageStr = sprintf('Sediment supply PDF data file %s does not exist. Please ensure the named file is in the controlPDFs folder and try again\n', supplyFileNameAndPath); msgbox(messageStr); success = 0; return; end data.lenSupplyPDF = length(data.inputSupplyPDF); data.supplyRange = data.inputSupplyPDF(:,1); data.supplyPDF = definePDF(data.inputSupplyPDF, const.LENPDF); % Function to convert the PDF into the correct required format data.supplyValuesCount = length(data.supplyRange); data.supplyIncrement = data.supplyRange(2) - data.supplyRange(1); % Assumes that bin spacing is constant through PDF data.supplyMin = data.supplyRange(1); % - subsidIncrement; data.supplyMax = data.supplyRange(data.supplyValuesCount); % Read in the eustasy PDF file and calculate useful values from the PDF to be used in the rest of the code if exist(eustasyFileNameAndPath, 'file') % Read section data, thickness and facies data.inputEustasyPDF = load(eustasyFileNameAndPath); else messageStr = sprintf('Eustasy PDF data file %s does not exist. Please ensure the named file is in the controlPDFs folder and try again\n', eustasyFileNameAndPath); msgbox(messageStr); success = 0; return; end data.lenEustasyPDF = length(data.inputEustasyPDF); data.eustasyRange = data.inputEustasyPDF(:,1); data.eustasyPDF = definePDF(data.inputEustasyPDF, const.LENPDF); % Function to convert the PDF into the correct required format data.eustasyValuesCount = length(data.eustasyRange); %data.eustasyValuesCount data.eustasyIncrement = data.eustasyRange(2) - data.eustasyRange(1); % Assumes that bin spacing is constant through PDF data.eustasyMin = data.eustasyRange(1); % - eustasyIncrement; data.eustasyMax = data.eustasyRange(data.eustasyValuesCount); end function finalPDF = definePDF(dataPDF, standardLenPDF) % Convert the input PDF into the correct format for this code. Needs to be an array of length 1000 with number of elements with each value from the PDF proportional to the specified probability % This PDF is then sampled in the Monte Carlo bootstrapping method finalPDF = zeros(1, standardLenPDF); dataPDFLength = length(dataPDF); i = 1; % Index to loop through the PDFdata array j = 1; % Index to loop through the final PDF array. start = round(j); while i <= dataPDFLength p = dataPDF(i,2); % p is probability of control having amplitude dataPDF(i,1) range = round(standardLenPDF * p); % number of elemtns of this amplitude in the array proportional to p if range > 0 for j = start:start+range; % note range - 1 because start+range so need the -1 finalPDF(j) = dataPDF(i,1); end start = j+1; % start next range in next array element end i = i+1; end end %% First plot the PDF for each variable function gui = plotControlPDFs(gui, const, data) figure(gui.main); gui.s1 = subplot('Position', [0.05 0.70 0.6 0.25]); axisPos = data.subsidMin:data.subsidIncrement:data.subsidMax; h2 = bar(axisPos,data.inputSubsidPDF(:,2)); xlabel('Rate of subsidence (m per 100ky)'); ylabel('Relative frequency'); grid on; grid minor; gui.s2 = subplot('Position', [0.05 0.37 0.6 0.25]); % NB x-axis labelling for supply PDF complicated because log scale needed, so increments irregular, so just number series dont label values axisPos = 1:length(data.inputSupplyPDF(:,2)); % So axis is effectively unlabeled - add labels in drawing package h3 = bar(axisPos, data.inputSupplyPDF(:,2)); xlabel('Rate of sediment supply (m3 per 100ky)'); set(gca,'TickDir', 'out', 'XTickLabelRotation',90); ylabel('Relative frequency'); grid on; grid minor; gui.s3 = subplot('Position', [0.05 0.05 0.6 0.25]); axisPos = data.eustasyMin:data.eustasyIncrement:data.eustasyMax; h1 = bar(axisPos,data.inputEustasyPDF(:,2)); xlabel('Rate of eustatic change (m per 100ky)'); ylabel('Relative frequency'); grid on; grid minor; end function [data, success] = loadTrajectoryData(const, data, trajectoryDataFileNameAndPath) success = 1; % Read in the control volume trajectory data file % Check first that the named file exists and if it does not, exit with flag set to failure if exist(trajectoryDataFileNameAndPath, 'file') == 0 fprintf('Stratal control volume trajectory data file %s does not exist. Please ensure the named file is in the controlPDFs folde and try again\n', trajectoryDataFileNameAndPath); success = 0; return; end trajFileIn = fopen(trajectoryDataFileNameAndPath); data.numberOfTrajectories = fscanf(trajFileIn,'%d', 1); % Read the first value from the file, should be the number of trajectories dummyLabel = fgetl(trajFileIn); % Read to the end of the line to skip any label text data.lenControlTraj = zeros(1, 3); for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories tempInput = fscanf(trajFileIn,'%d', 1); % read the dimensions paramater for trajectory j dummyLabel = fgetl(trajFileIn); % Read to the end of the line to skip any label text data.trajectoryDimensions(j) = tempInput; tempInput = fscanf(trajFileIn,'%f%f%f', 3); dummyLabel = fgetl(trajFileIn); % Read to the end of the line to skip any label text data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3) = tempInput; tempInput = fscanf(trajFileIn,'%d', 1); % read the number of data points for trajectory j dummyLabel = fgetl(trajFileIn); % Read to the end of the line to skip any label text lenControlTraj(j) = tempInput; readBlockSize = [3 lenControlTraj(j)]; inputOneTrajData = fscanf(trajFileIn,'%f%f%f', readBlockSize); % read the data block according to the number of data points data.subsidTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j)) = inputOneTrajData(1, 1:lenControlTraj(j)); data.supplyTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j)) = inputOneTrajData(2, 1:lenControlTraj(j)); data.eustasyTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j)) = inputOneTrajData(3, 1:lenControlTraj(j)); end if const.VERBOSE fprintf('Read %d trajectories, properties as follows:\n',data.numberOfTrajectories); % for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories % fprintf('Trajectory %d Subsidence min:%5.4f max%5.4f Supply min:%5.4f max%5.4f Eustasy min:%5.4f max%5.4f\n',... % min(subsidTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j))), max(subsidTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j))), ... % min(supplyTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j))), max(supplyTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j))), ... % min(eustasyTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j))), max(eustasyTraj(j,1:lenControlTraj(j))) ); % end end end function volPlotVars = calculate3DControlVolume(const, data, volPlotVars) eustasyVals = zeros(1,const.N); % These arrays will contain the PDFs in the final form to be used, different from what is input subsidVals = zeros(1,const.N); supplyVals = zeros(1,const.N); volPlotVars.stratalControlVolumeN = data.lenEustasyPDF * data.lenSubsidPDF * data.lenSupplyPDF; % Number of points in the defined stratal control volume volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume = zeros(data.lenEustasyPDF, data.lenSubsidPDF, data.lenSupplyPDF); % The solution set volume array will contain the relative frequency at each defined point in the solution set space volPlotVars.RSLRiseVolume = zeros(data.lenEustasyPDF, data.lenSubsidPDF, data.lenSupplyPDF); % boolean flag indicating whether position in control volume is an RSL rise (TRUE,1) or RSL fall (FALSE, 0), or, possibly RSL constant (FALSE, 0) volPlotVars.progStacking3DVolume = zeros(data.lenEustasyPDF, data.lenSubsidPDF, data.lenSupplyPDF); % boolean flag TRUE if position in control volume has enough supply for progradation volPlotVars.progUnforced3DVolume = zeros(data.lenEustasyPDF, data.lenSubsidPDF, data.lenSupplyPDF); % boolean flag TRUE is position in control volume is rising RSL and supply > accommodation volPlotVars.RSLMax = data.eustasyMax + data.subsidMax; volPlotVars.RSLMin = data.eustasyMin + data.subsidMin; volPlotVars.RSLRange = volPlotVars.RSLMax - volPlotVars.RSLMin; volPlotVars.RSLIncrement = volPlotVars.RSLRange / 20.0; % Monte-carlo or bootstrapping loop to sample the eustasy, subsidence and supply PDFs and for each value of eustasy, subsidence and supply sampled, % increment the frequency at the appropriate point in the solution set volume j = 1; maxn1 = 0; maxn2 = 0; while j <= const.N n = rand * const.LENPDF; % Rand range 0-1 but n is array subscript so make sure n >=1 by looping until it is while n < 1 n = rand * const.LENPDF; end data.eustasyVals(j) = data.eustasyPDF(n); % Sample a value from the input PDF and put it at element j in the eustasyVals array if n > maxn1 maxn1=n;end n = rand * const.LENPDF; while n < 1 n = rand * const.LENPDF; end data.subsidVals(j) = data.subsidPDF(n); if n > maxn2 maxn2=n;end n = rand * const.LENPDF; while n < 1 n = rand * const.LENPDF; end data.supplyVals(j) = data.supplyPDF(n); % Need to generate an index value for each of the three axes to access the correct cell in the control volume for the values of eustasy, subsidence and supply selected % Will then increment the frequency count at this x,y,z element in the stratalControlVolume array k=1; while k < length(data.eustasyRange) && data.eustasyVals(j) > data.eustasyRange(k) % This could probably simplied to just a division of the value by the increment, but this method more flexible if increment varies k=k+1; end eustasyIndex = k; k=1; while k < length(data.subsidRange) && data.subsidVals(j) > data.subsidRange(k) k=k+1; end subsidIndex = k; k=1; while k < length(data.supplyRange) && data.supplyVals(j) > data.supplyRange(k) k=k+1; end supplyIndex = k; volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume(eustasyIndex, subsidIndex, supplyIndex) = volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume(eustasyIndex, subsidIndex, supplyIndex) + 1; % increment the frequency at the appropriate cell in the solutions space j = j + 1; end % Find the minimum, mean and maximum frequency values in the control volume volPlotVars.minControlVolFreq = min(min(min(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume))); volPlotVars.meanControlVolFreq = mean(mean(mean(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume))); volPlotVars.maxControlVolFreq = max(max(max(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume))); % Convert solution set volume to relative frequency by dividing by the total number of bootstrap iterations which is therefore the maximum possible frequency if all values were at one point in the control volume volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume = volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume / double(const.N); % Find the minimum, mean and maximum relative frequency values in the control volume volPlotVars.minControlVolRelativeFreq = min(min(min(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume))); volPlotVars.meanControlVolRelativeFreq = mean(mean(mean(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume))); volPlotVars.maxControlVolRelativeFreq = max(max(max(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume))); nonZeroElementCount = length(nonzeros(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume)); stratControlVolSize = size(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume); if const.VERBOSE fprintf('%d samples taken from supply, subsidence and eustasy PDFs to create solution set frequency volume with %d recorded points\n',j-1, volPlotVars.stratalControlVolumeN); fprintf('Dimensions of volume in grid cells are x:%d y:%d z:%d\n', stratControlVolSize(1), stratControlVolSize(2), stratControlVolSize(3)); fprintf('Subsidence range has %d values from min:%d to max:%d giving grid cell increment %d\n', data.subsidValuesCount, data.subsidMin, data.subsidMax, data.subsidIncrement); fprintf('Supply range has %d values from min:%3.2e to max:%3.2e giving grid cell increment %3.2e\n', data.supplyValuesCount, data.supplyMin, data.supplyMax, data.supplyIncrement); fprintf('Eustasy range has %d values from min:%d to max:%d giving grid cell increment %d\n', data.eustasyValuesCount, data.eustasyMin, data.eustasyMax, data.eustasyIncrement); fprintf('3D solution set volume frequency per bin: min %5.4f mean %5.4f max %5.4f\n', volPlotVars.minControlVolFreq, volPlotVars.meanControlVolFreq, volPlotVars.maxControlVolFreq); fprintf('3D solution set volume relative frequency per bin: min %5.4f mean %5.4f max %5.4f values >0 in %d cells\n', ... volPlotVars.minControlVolRelativeFreq, volPlotVars.meanControlVolRelativeFreq, volPlotVars.maxControlVolRelativeFreq, nonZeroElementCount); end % Loop through the stratal control volume and calculate RSL and stacking pattern that each cell represents % Mark each cell as either RSL rising (True) or falling (False), progradation stacking where supply>rate of accommodation creation (TRUE) or supply< rate of accommodation creation (FALSE) % and unforced progradation where supply>accomm but RSL is rising so accomm is being created for x=1:data.eustasyValuesCount for y = 1:data.subsidValuesCount % Note that -eustasy is falling, so also -RSL, and -subsidence is uplift, so also falling RSL, therefore eusasy + subsidence is always correct -100 eustasy + -50 subsidence (which is % uplift) gives -150 RSL, so bigger RSL fall than just eustatic fall RSLVal = (data.eustasyMin + ((x-1) * data.eustasyIncrement)) + (data.subsidMin + ((y-1) * data.subsidIncrement)); for z = 1:data.supplyValuesCount % Need to put this in the z loop because although supply is independent of RSL we want to able to count all the control volume values across the range of supply values if RSLVal >= 0 % Rate of change >= 0 means rising RSL RSLRiseVolume(x, y, z) = 1; end supply1D = data.supplyRange(z) / data.supplyReferenceArea; % Divide supply volume by area of Holocene Mississippi delta deposition to convert supply to 1D thickness rate if supply1D > RSLVal % rate of supply exceeds rate of accommodation creation progStacking3DVolume(x,y,z) = 1; % Set progStackVolume in cell x y z to true if RSLVal > 0 % rate of accommodation creation is positive, and from previous if less than rate of supply, so this must be unforced regression progUnforced3DVolume(x,y,z) = 1; % Set unforced regression record in cell x y z to true end end end end end % These volume arrays are copies to the 3D control volume matrix but currently contain ones or zeros to code RSL rise etc - see above % Calculate what proportion of the total solution set volume each class of cell represents progStackProportion3D = sum(sum(sum(progStacking3DVolume))) / double(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolumeN); RSLRiseProportion3D = sum(sum(sum(RSLRiseVolume))) / double(volPlotVars.stratalControlVolumeN); % Now use the same volume arrays to calculate the probabiity of sample data that occurs in the various fields e.g. what probability of timeseries sample data being in the falling RSL field? RSLRiseProbability3D = RSLRiseVolume .* volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume; % NB element-by-element multiplication operator .* RSLRiseProbability3D = sum(sum(sum(RSLRiseProbability3D))); progStackProbability3D = progStacking3DVolume .* volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume; progStackProbability3D = sum(sum(sum(progStackProbability3D))); progUnforcedProbability3D = progUnforced3DVolume .* volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume; progUnforcedProbability3D = sum(sum(sum(progUnforcedProbability3D))) / RSLRiseProbability3D; % because we need the probability only within the rising RSL volume if const.VERBOSE fprintf('3D stratigraphic control volume proportions:\n'); fprintf('%5.4f of stratigraphic control volume is RSL rise, so %5.4f of volume is RSL fall\n', RSLRiseProportion3D, 1.0-RSLRiseProportion3D); fprintf('%5.4f of stratigraphic control volume is progradation (supply > accommodation), so %5.4f of volume is retrogradation (supply < accommodation)\n', progStackProportion3D, 1.0-progStackProportion3D); fprintf('3D solution volume outcome probabilities:\n'); fprintf('Probability of RSL fall and forced regression %5.4f\nProbability of RSL rise %5.4f\n', 1-RSLRiseProbability3D, RSLRiseProbability3D); fprintf('Probability of progradational %5.4f\nProbabiity of retrogradational %5.4f\n', progStackProbability3D, 1-progStackProbability3D); fprintf('When RSL rise, probability of unforced regression %5.4f\nWhen RSL rise, probability of transgression %5.4f\n', progUnforcedProbability3D, 1-progUnforcedProbability3D); end end function gui = plot3DControlVolume(gui, data, volPlotVars) gui.f1 = figure('Visible','on','Position',[1 100 (gui.scrsz(3)/2) (gui.scrsz(4)/1.3)]); gui.ax1 = gca; set(gui.ax1,'ZScale','log'); % Draw a grid of bin boundaries on the basal plane of the solution parameter space colour coded by the magnitude of RSL change for the cell for x=1:data.eustasyValuesCount for y = 1:data.subsidValuesCount xcoCorner = data.eustasyMin + ((x-1) * data.eustasyIncrement); ycoCorner = data.subsidMin + ((y-1) * data.subsidIncrement); xco = [xcoCorner xcoCorner xcoCorner+data.eustasyIncrement xcoCorner+data.eustasyIncrement]; yco = [ycoCorner ycoCorner+data.subsidIncrement ycoCorner+data.subsidIncrement ycoCorner]; zco = [data.supplyMin data.supplyMin data.supplyMin data.supplyMin]; RSL = (data.eustasyMin + ((x-1) * data.eustasyIncrement)) + (data.subsidMin + ((y-1) * data.subsidIncrement)); patch(xco, yco, zco, [(volPlotVars.RSLMax - RSL) / volPlotVars.RSLRange 0 (RSL - volPlotVars.RSLMin) / volPlotVars.RSLRange]); end end % Now plot the frequency values as a cuboid in each bin, scaled and coloured according to relative frequency % Do this before further plotting because it's a useful way to set the appropriate limits of the plot to guide how planar surfaces are then drawn into the volume for x=1:data.eustasyValuesCount for y = 1:data.subsidValuesCount for z = 1:data.supplyValuesCount-1 if volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume(x,y,z) > 0 scaleFactor = volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume(x,y,z) / volPlotVars.maxControlVolRelativeFreq; % Scale relative freq in each cell by maximum relative frequency, otherwise will plot too small if scaleFactor > 0.01 plotCuboid(x,y,z, data.eustasyMin, data.eustasyIncrement, data.subsidMin, data.subsidIncrement, data.supplyRange(z), data.supplyRange(z+1)-data.supplyRange(z), scaleFactor); end end supplyZco = data.supplyRange(z+1) - data.supplyRange(z); end end end %% Subdivide the volume according to progradation, retrogradation, RSL fall-rise etc % Force the plot line from lowest to highest values g1 = line([data.eustasyMin data.eustasyMax], [data.subsidMin data.subsidMax], [data.supplyMin data.supplyMax]); g1.LineStyle = 'none'; % Want line to define axis limits but dont want it to be actually drawn and visible % Make a planar surface that runs along the RSL = 0 plane in the volume % Loop through the eustasy values at min and max subsidence rates to find the values where RSL ~ 0 % Draw a vertical planar surface here to partition rising and falling RSL y1 = data.subsidMin; y2 = data.subsidMax; for x=data.eustasyMin:data.eustasyMax RSL1 = x + y1; RSL2 = x + y2; if RSL1 > -1 && RSL1 < 1 xco1 = x; yco1 = y1; end if RSL2 > -1 && RSL2 < 1 xco2 = x; yco2 = y2; end end zcoLimits = get(gca,'ZLim'); patch([xco1 xco1 xco2 xco2], [yco1 yco1 yco2 yco2], [zcoLimits(1) zcoLimits(2) zcoLimits(2) zcoLimits(1)], [0.9 0.9 0.9], 'FaceAlpha',0.50,'EdgeAlpha',0.50); % Make a planar surface that runs along the plane where rate of supply adjusted to a Holocene Mississippi area thickness value % matches the rate of potential accommodation creation following Mutti & Steel definition j1=1; j2=1; y1 = data.subsidMin; y2 = data.subsidMax; for x=data.eustasyMin:data.eustasyMax RSL1 = x + y1; % Rate of RSL change is eustasy x + subsidence y1 or y2 RSL2 = x + y2; for z=zcoLimits(1):data.supplyIncrement:data.supplyMax supply1D = z / data.supplyReferenceArea; % Divide supply volume by area of Holocene Mississippi delta deposition to convert supply to 1D thickness rate if abs(RSL1 - supply1D) < 1.0 % rate of supply equal to rate of accommodation creation with error threshold 1.0 xco1(j1)= x; yco1(j1) = y1; zco1(j1) = z; j1=j1+1; end if abs(RSL2 - supply1D) < 1.0 % rate of supply equal to rate of accommodation creation with error threshold 1.0 xco2(j2)= x; yco2(j2) = y2; zco2(j2) = z; j2=j2+1; end end end xco = cat(2, xco1, fliplr(xco2)); yco = cat(2, yco1, fliplr(yco2)); zco = cat(2, zco1, fliplr(zco2)); patch(xco, yco, zco, [0.9 0.9 0.9], 'FaceAlpha',0.50,'EdgeAlpha',0.50); % Draw zero value lines xco = [0 0 0 0]; yco = [data.subsidMin data.subsidMin data.subsidMax data.subsidMax]; zco = [data.supplyMin data.supplyMin data.supplyMin data.supplyMin]; line(xco, yco, zco, 'LineWidth',1); xco = [data.eustasyMin data.eustasyMin data.eustasyMax data.eustasyMax]; yco = [0 0 0 0]; line(xco, yco, zco, 'LineWidth',1); % Draw zero value lines on basal plane xco = [0 0 0 0]; yco = [data.subsidMin data.subsidMin data.subsidMax data.subsidMax]; zco = [0 0 0 0]; line(xco, yco, zco, 'LineWidth',1); xco = [data.eustasyMin data.eustasyMin data.eustasyMax data.eustasyMax]; yco = [0 0 0 0]; line(xco, yco, zco, 'LineWidth',1); % Draw vertical line up through the center of the parameter space xco = [0 0 0 0]; yco = [0 0 0 0]; zco = [data.supplyMin data.supplyMin data.supplyMax+data.supplyIncrement data.supplyMax+data.supplyIncrement]; line(xco, yco, zco); grid on; grid minor; view(70,15); xlabel('Rate of eustatic change (m per 100ky)'); ylabel('Rate of subsidence (m per 100ky)'); zlabel('Rate of sediment supply (m3 per 100ky)'); % Create a high-resultion 600dpi transparent background png file for this figure using export_fig which is an .m file in the Matlab folder % Usually commented out because it is slow and not necessary to do everytime code is run % export_fig ../figures/f2_3dSolutionVolume.png -r600 -transparent end function volPlotVars = plot3DControlTrajectories(gui, const, data, volPlotVars) %% Find the probability values along the 3D volume trajectories and draw the trajectories fprintf('\n3D solution volume trajectory probabilities:\n'); figure(gui.f1); % Activate the stratal control volume figure since this is where we want to plot these 3D trajectories volPlotVars.sVolPValsTraj = zeros(1,1); trajPVectors = cell(data.numberOfTrajectories,1); % trajPVectors is a cell array, each cell element will contain a different length vector of doubles that is the p values along the trajectory for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories if data.trajectoryDimensions(j) == 3 % only plot those trajectories tagged in the input file as 3D trajN = length(data.subsidTraj(j, :)); % Set variables to the length of each of the two input control volume trajectories % Copy into a convenient data structures to use in the trajectory probability calculation traj.eustasy = data.eustasyTraj(j, :); traj.subsid = data.subsidTraj(j, :); = data.supplyTraj(j, :); % Find the probabilites for trajectory j and at the same time, record interpolation between trajectory points as x,y,z coordinates to plot [trajPVectors{j}, accommTrajXco, accommTrajYco, accommTrajZco] = find3DsolutionVolumeTrajectoryProbabilities(data, traj, volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume, trajN, 'Trajectory'); % Plot trajectory j line(accommTrajXco, accommTrajYco, accommTrajZco, 'Color', data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3), 'LineWidth', 5.0); line(accommTrajXco(1:1), accommTrajYco(1:1), accommTrajZco(1:1), 'LineStyle','none','Marker','o','MarkerSize',12, 'Color', data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3)); % lines needs at least 2 coord points? but make them the same to plot single market symbol at start and end of the line line(accommTrajXco(trajN:trajN), accommTrajYco(trajN:trajN), accommTrajZco(trajN:trajN), 'LineStyle','none','Marker','x','MarkerSize',12, 'Color', data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3)); end end trajLengths = cellfun('length',trajPVectors); % Put the trajectory lengths into the trajLengths vector maxTrajLength = max(trajLengths); % Find the maximum trajectory length for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories trajPVectors{j}(trajLengths(j)+1:maxTrajLength) = 0; % Pad each trajectory to the maximum length end volPlotVars.sVolPValsTraj = cell2mat(trajPVectors); % Copy the P value trajectories into a matrix in the volPlotVars structure to pass back to calling function end function [sVolPValsTrajFinal, xco, yco, zco] = find3DsolutionVolumeTrajectoryProbabilities(data, traj, stratalControlVolume, lenTrajectory, label) % Find the probabilites along a control volume trajectory, using interpolation % Code calculates the unit step length then for each section of the trajectory but then checks to remove adjacent duplicate cells % that may occur if the interpolation step is small sVolTrajCoords = zeros(1, 5000); % Length of this is unknown at this point because number of points depends on interpolation, so preallocate a large number preservePoint = zeros(1, 5000); sVolPValsTraj = zeros(1, lenTrajectory); sVolPValsTrajFinal = zeros(1, lenTrajectory); ptsPerCell = 500; trajPos = 1; % Records position in the sVolPValsTraj array as it is filled in the code below if lenTrajectory < 2 fprintf('Stratal control trajectory too short to process and draw.\n'); return; end % loop through all the points in the trajectory, -1 because need to use a j+1 in the calculations for j = 1:lenTrajectory-1 % Calculate the x,y, and z increments in the j to j+1 steps in the trajectory assuming 10 interpolation steps per trajectory line segment trajDeltaX = (traj.eustasy(j+1) - traj.eustasy(j)) / ptsPerCell; trajDeltaY = (traj.subsid(j+1) - traj.subsid(j)) / ptsPerCell; trajDeltaZ = ( - / ptsPerCell; trajPointsSeparation = (sqrt((trajDeltaX * trajDeltaX) + (trajDeltaY * trajDeltaY) + (trajDeltaZ + trajDeltaZ))); % May be negative so nb abs in while condition below trajStepLength = trajPointsSeparation / ptsPerCell; xco(trajPos) = traj.eustasy(j); yco(trajPos) = traj.subsid(j); zco(trajPos) =; dist = 0; oneSegmentCount = 0; % fprintf('Trajectory point %d from %1.0f %1.0f %5.4e to %1.0f %1.0f %5.4e\n', j, traj.eustasy(j), traj.subsid(j),, traj.eustasy(j+1), traj.subsid(j+1), while abs(dist) < abs(trajPointsSeparation) && oneSegmentCount < ptsPerCell % Two checks, dist to catch bad interpolation and oneSegmentCount to mitigate rounding errors on dist % Calculate the x y z matrix coordinates needed to get a probability out of the control volume x(trajPos) = round((xco(trajPos) - data.eustasyMin) / data.eustasyIncrement) + 1; % +1 because PDF bins range upwards, so +1 ensures cell selection honours this y(trajPos) = round((yco(trajPos) - data.subsidMin) / data.subsidIncrement) + 1; z(trajPos) = findSupplyTrajIndex(zco(trajPos), data.supplyRange); % Check if the coords are within the control volume limits and if so, retrieve probability, store probability & increment counts if x(trajPos) > 0 && x(trajPos) <= data.eustasyValuesCount && y(trajPos) > 0 && y(trajPos) <= data.subsidValuesCount && z(trajPos) > 0 && z(trajPos) <= data.supplyValuesCount sVolPValsTraj(trajPos) = stratalControlVolume(x(trajPos),y(trajPos),z(trajPos)); else % fprintf('Trajectory error - x=%1.0f (%d) y=%1.0f (%d) z=%5.4e (%d) out of control volume range at point %d in trajectory called %s\n',xco, x(trajPos),yco, y(trajPos),zco, z(trajPos),j, label); sVolPValsTraj(trajPos) = 0.0; % Outside the control volume so probability must be zero end % Add the interpolation increments to the control values and record increase in distance interpolated along line segment xco(trajPos+1) = xco(trajPos) + trajDeltaX; yco(trajPos+1) = yco(trajPos) + trajDeltaY; zco(trajPos+1) = zco(trajPos) + trajDeltaZ; trajPos = trajPos + 1; dist = dist + trajStepLength; oneSegmentCount = oneSegmentCount + 1; if oneSegmentCount >= ptsPerCell % If the oneSegmentCount increment indicates the end of trajectory line segment... preservePoint(trajPos) = 1; % Set the flag to force point to be copied into final interpolated coordinates, even if it is a replicate else preservePoint(trajPos) = 0; % otherwise set the flat to zero and treat like any other point end % fprintf('Interpolation %1.0f %1.0f %5.4e\n', xco(trajPos), yco(trajPos), zco(trajPos)); end end % Interpolation routine may have recorded the same cell from the stratal control volume consecutviely more than once, especially if the interpolation step was small % So need to find adjacent duplicates and remove them, and also count the nonzero values in the interpolated trajectory % Note that if the trajectory repeats the same coord cells, this is fine, so long as they are not adjacent in the trajectory k = 1; nonZeroPathCount = 0; for j=2:trajPos-1; if ~(x(j) == x(j-1) && y(j) == y(j-1) && z(j) == z(j-1)) || preservePoint(j) ==1 % If the j & j-1 x,y,zcoords are not equal point j on trajectory is not a duplicate of point j-1 sVolPValsTrajFinal(k) = sVolPValsTraj(j); if sVolPValsTrajFinal(k) > 0 nonZeroPathCount = nonZeroPathCount + 1; end k=k+1; end end fprintf('%s trajectory %d points long interpolated to give total length %d points, %d points have p>0, mean p %6.5f\n', label, lenTrajectory, k, nonZeroPathCount, mean(sVolPValsTrajFinal)); end function areaPlotVars = calculate2DControlArea(const, data, volPlotVars, areaPlotVars) areaPlotVars.RSLMax = data.eustasyMax + data.subsidMax; areaPlotVars.RSLMin = data.eustasyMin + data.subsidMin; areaPlotVars.RSLRange = areaPlotVars.RSLMax - areaPlotVars.RSLMin; areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement = areaPlotVars.RSLRange / 20.0; areaPlotVars.RSLValuesCount = areaPlotVars.RSLRange / areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement; % Create the 2D matrix for the supply-RSL control volume initially as a 1D vector because RSL axis size is not know apriori - will be redimensioned repeatedly in the loop below lenRSLRateOfChange = 2 + ((areaPlotVars.RSLMax - areaPlotVars.RSLMin) / areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement); areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea = zeros(lenRSLRateOfChange,data.lenSupplyPDF); RSLRiseArea = zeros(lenRSLRateOfChange,data.supplyValuesCount); progStacking2DVolume = zeros(lenRSLRateOfChange,data.supplyValuesCount); progUnforced2DVolume = zeros(lenRSLRateOfChange,data.supplyValuesCount); % Make a 2D version of the probabilistic control volume with RSL and supply on the axes % NB SolutionSetVolume is already relative frequency so should just be able to add values at appropriate eustasy and subsidence points to collapse 3D to 2D without any scaling... for x=1:data.eustasyValuesCount for y = 1:data.subsidValuesCount RSLVal = (data.eustasyMin + ((x-1) * data.eustasyIncrement)) + (data.subsidMin + ((y-1) * data.subsidIncrement)); xIndex = 1 + int16((RSLVal - areaPlotVars.RSLMin) / areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement); % the RSL plot x axis value if RSLVal > 0 % Mark part of the area with rising RSL RSLRiseArea(xIndex,:) = 1; end for z = 1:data.supplyValuesCount % Need to put this in the z loop because although supply is independent of RSL we want to able to count all the control volume frequency values across the range of supply values areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea(xIndex,z) = areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea(xIndex,z) + volPlotVars.stratalControlVolume(x,y,z); supply1D = (data.supplyMin + ((z-1) * data.supplyIncrement)) / data.supplyReferenceArea; % Divide supply volume by area of Holocene Mississippi delta deposition to convert supply to 1D thickness rate if supply1D > RSLVal % rate of supply exceeds rate of accommodation creation progStacking2DVolume(xIndex,z) = 1; % Set progStackVolume in cell x y z to true if RSLVal > 0 % rate of accommodation creation is positive, and from previous if less than rate of supply, so this must be unforced regression progUnforced2DVolume(xIndex, z) = 1; % Set unforced regression record in cell x y z to true end end end end end % Find the minimum, mean and maximum frequency values in the control volume minSolSetAreaFreq = min(min(min(areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea))); meanSolSetAreaFreq = mean(mean(mean(areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea))); maxSolSetAreaFreq = max(max(max(areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea))); % Find the minimum, mean and maximum relative frequency values in the control volume minSolSetAreaRelativeFreq = min(min(min(areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea))); meanSolSetAreaRelativeFreq = mean(mean(mean(areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea))); maxSolSetAreaRelativeFreq = max(max(max(areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea))); nonZeroSolSetAreaElementCount = length(nonzeros(areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea)); if const.VERBOSE fprintf('\n2D solution set area frequency per bin: min %5.4f mean %5.4f max %5.4f\n', minSolSetAreaFreq, meanSolSetAreaFreq, maxSolSetAreaFreq); fprintf('2D solution set area relative frequency per bin: min %5.4f mean %5.4f max %5.4f values >0 in %d cells\n', minSolSetAreaRelativeFreq, meanSolSetAreaRelativeFreq, maxSolSetAreaRelativeFreq, nonZeroSolSetAreaElementCount); end % These area arrays are copies to the 2D control volume matrix but currently contain ones or zeros to code RSL rise etc - see above % Calculate what proportion of the total solution set volume each class of cell represents progStackProportion2D = sum(sum(progStacking2DVolume)) / double(lenRSLRateOfChange*data.supplyValuesCount); RSLRiseProportion2D = sum(sum(RSLRiseArea)) / double(lenRSLRateOfChange*data.supplyValuesCount); % Now use the same volume arrays to calculate the probabiity of sample data that occurs in the various fields e.g. what probability of timeseries sample data being in the falling RSL field? RSLRiseProbability2D = RSLRiseArea .* areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea; % NB element-by-element multiplication operator .* RSLRiseProbability2D = sum(sum(sum(RSLRiseProbability2D))); progStackProbability2D = progStacking2DVolume .* areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea; progStackProbability2D = sum(sum(sum(progStackProbability2D))); progUnforcedProbability2D = progUnforced2DVolume .* areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea; progUnforcedProbability2D = sum(sum(sum(progUnforcedProbability2D))) / RSLRiseProbability2D; % because we need the probability only within the rising RSL volume if const.VERBOSE fprintf('2D stratigraphic control area proportions:\n'); fprintf('%5.4f of stratigraphic control area is RSL rise, so %5.4f of area is RSL fall\n', RSLRiseProportion2D, 1.0-RSLRiseProportion2D); fprintf('%5.4f of stratigraphic control area is progradation (supply > accommodation), so %5.4f of area is retrogradation (supply < accommodation)\n', progStackProportion2D, 1.0-progStackProportion2D); fprintf('2D stratigraphic control area outcome probabilities:\n'); fprintf('Probability of RSL fall and forced regression %5.4f\nProbability of RSL rise %5.4f\n', 1-RSLRiseProbability2D, RSLRiseProbability2D); fprintf('Probability of progradational %5.4f\nProbabiity of retrogradational %5.4f\n', progStackProbability2D, 1-progStackProbability2D); fprintf('When RSL rise, probability of unforced regression %5.4f\nWhen RSL rise, probability of transgression %5.4f\n', progUnforcedProbability2D, 1-progUnforcedProbability2D); end end function gui = plot2DControlArea(gui, data, areaPlotVars) gui.f2 = figure('Visible','on','Position',[10 10 (gui.scrsz(3)/3) (gui.scrsz(4)/2)]); ax = gca; set(ax,'YScale','log'); hold on; maxControlAreaRSL = max(max(areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea)); for x=1:areaPlotVars.RSLValuesCount yco = data.supplyMin; for y = 1:data.supplyValuesCount-1 oneSupplyIncrement = data.supplyRange(y+1)- data.supplyRange(y); % Get values for increment from data.supplyRange because probably vary in size across range xco = areaPlotVars.RSLMin + ((x-1) * areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement); scaleFactor = areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea(x,y) / maxControlAreaRSL; colour = makeColourMap(scaleFactor); if areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea(x,y) > 0 patch([xco xco xco+areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement xco+areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement], [yco, yco + oneSupplyIncrement, yco + oneSupplyIncrement, yco], colour, 'LineStyle','none'); end yco = yco + oneSupplyIncrement; end end % Draw the rate of RSL change = 0 line ycoLimits = get(gca,'YLim'); line([0, 0], ycoLimits, 'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle', '--', 'Color',[0 0.3 0.8]); % Now calculate and draw the line seperating progradation (supply > accomm) from retrogradation (supply < accomm) j = 1; xco = zeros(1,data.supplyValuesCount); yco = zeros(1,data.supplyValuesCount); for x = 1 : areaPlotVars.RSLValuesCount RSL = areaPlotVars.RSLMin + ((x-1) * areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement); % Rate of RSL change is eustasy x + subsidence y1 or y2 oneSupply = data.supplyMin; progPointFound = 0; y=1; while y <= data.supplyValuesCount-1 && ~progPointFound supply1D = oneSupply / data.supplyReferenceArea; % Divide supply volume by area of Holocene Mississippi delta deposition to convert supply to 1D thickness rate oneSupplyIncrement = data.supplyRange(y+1) - data.supplyRange(y); if supply1D >= RSL progPointFound = 1; xco(j) = RSL; yco(j) = oneSupply; j = j + 1; end oneSupply = oneSupply + oneSupplyIncrement; y = y + 1; end end % Use the calculated coordinates to draw the line separating progradation from retrogradation line(xco, yco, 'LineWidth',2,'LineStyle', '--', 'Color',[0.5 0 0]); end function areaPlotVars = plot2DControlTrajectories(gui, const, data, areaPlotVars) fprintf('\n3D solution volume trajectory probabilities:\n'); figure(gui.f2); % Activate the stratal control volume figure since this is where we want to plot these 3D trajectories trajPVectors = cell(data.numberOfTrajectories,1); % trajPVectors is a cell array, each cell element will contain a different length vector of doubles that is the p values along the trajectory for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories if data.trajectoryDimensions(j) == 2 % only plot those trajectories tagged in the input file as 3D trajN = length(data.subsidTraj(j, :)); % Set variables to the length of each of the two input control volume trajectories % Copy into a convenient data structures to use in the trajectory probability calculation - traj gets passed to find2dsolutionArea... function below traj.eustasy = data.eustasyTraj(j, :); traj.subsid = data.subsidTraj(j, :); = data.supplyTraj(j, :); traj.RSL = data.eustasyTraj(j, :) + data.subsidTraj(j, :); % Find the probabilites for trajectory j and at the same time, record interpolation between trajectory points as x,y,z coordinates to plot [trajPVectors{j}, xco, zco] = find2DsolutionAreaTrajectoryProbabilities(data, traj, areaPlotVars, trajN, '2D accommodation dominated'); % Plot trajectory j line(xco, zco, 'Color', data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3), 'LineWidth', 5.0); line(traj.RSL(1:1), data.supplyTraj(j,1:1), 'LineStyle','none','Marker','o','MarkerSize',12, 'Color', data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3)); % lines needs at least 2 coord points? but make them the same to plot single market symbol at start and end of the line line(traj.RSL(trajN:trajN), data.supplyTraj(j,trajN:trajN), 'LineStyle','none','Marker','x','MarkerSize',12, 'Color', data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3)); end end grid on; grid minor; xlabel('Rate of relative sea-level change (m per 100ky)'); ylabel('Rate of sediment supply (m3 per 100ky)'); % Create a high-resultion 600dpi transparent background png file for this figure using export_fig which is an .m file in the Matlab folder % Commented out because it is slow and not necessary to do everytime code is run % export_fig ../figures/f5_2dSolutionArea.png % Analyse the 2D control area trajectories - are they accommodation or supply dominated? % f10 = figure('Visible','on','Position',[50 10 (scrsz(3)/1.8) (scrsz(4)/2)]); % subplot(2,1,1); trajLengths = cellfun('length',trajPVectors); % Put the trajectory lengths into the trajLengths vector maxTrajLength = max(trajLengths); % Find the maximum trajectory length for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories trajPVectors{j}(trajLengths(j)+1:maxTrajLength) = 0; % Pad each trajectory to the maximum length end areaPlotVars.sAreaPValsTraj = cell2mat(trajPVectors); % Copy the P value trajectories into a matrix in the volPlotVars structure to pass back to calling function end % [sAreaPValsTraj1, accommTrajXco, accommTrajZco] = find2DsolutionAreaTrajectoryProbabilities(data, traj, areaPlotVars, trajN, '2D accommodation dominated'); function [sAreaPValsTrajFinal, xco, zco] = find2DsolutionAreaTrajectoryProbabilities(data, traj, areaPlotVars, lenTrajectory, label) % Find the probabilites along a control area trajectory, using interpolation % Code calculates the unit step length then for each section of the trajectory but then checks to remove adjacent duplicate cells % that may occur if the interpolation step is small sAreaTrajCoords = zeros(1, 5000); % Length of this is unknown at this point because number of points depends on interpolation preservePoint = zeros(1, 5000); sAreaPValsTraj = zeros(1, lenTrajectory); sAreaPValsTrajFinal = zeros(1, lenTrajectory); ptsPerCell = 500; trajPos = 1; % Records position in the sVolPValsTraj array as it is filled in the code below % loop through all the points in the trajectory, -1 because need to use a j+1 in the calculations for j = 1:lenTrajectory-1 % Calculate the x,y, and z increments in the j to j+1 steps in the trajectory assuming 10 interpolation steps per trajectory line segment trajDeltaX = (traj.RSL(j+1) - traj.RSL(j)) / ptsPerCell; trajDeltaZ = ( - / ptsPerCell; trajPointsSeparation = (sqrt((trajDeltaX * trajDeltaX) + (trajDeltaZ + trajDeltaZ))); % May be negative so nb abs in while condition below trajStepLength = trajPointsSeparation / ptsPerCell; xco(trajPos) = traj.RSL(j); zco(trajPos) =; dist = 0; oneSegmentCount = 0; % fprintf('Trajectory point %d from %1.0f %1.0f %5.4e to %1.0f %1.0f %5.4e\n', j, xco, yco, zco, data.eustasyTraj1(j+1), data.subsidTraj1(j+1), data.supplyTraj1(j+1)); while abs(dist) < abs(trajPointsSeparation) && oneSegmentCount < ptsPerCell % Two checks, dist to catch bad interpolation and oneSegmentCount to mitigate rounding errors on dist % Calculate the x y z matrix coordinates needed to get a probability out of the control volume x(trajPos) = round((xco(trajPos) - areaPlotVars.RSLMin) / areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement) + 1; z(trajPos) = findSupplyTrajIndex(zco(trajPos), data.supplyRange); % Check if the coords are within the control volume limits and if so, retrieve probability & increment counts if x(trajPos) > 0 && x(trajPos) <= areaPlotVars.RSLValuesCount && z(trajPos) > 0 && z(trajPos) <= data.supplyValuesCount sAreaPValsTraj(trajPos) = areaPlotVars.stratalControlArea(x(trajPos),z(trajPos)); else sAreaPValsTraj(trajPos) = 0.0; % Outside the control area so probability must be zero % fprintf('Trajectory error - x=%1.0f (%d) y=%1.0f (%d) z=%5.4e (%d) out of control volume range at point %d in trajectory called %s\n',xco, x(trajPos),yco, y(trajPos),zco, z(trajPos),j, label); end % Add the interpolation increments to the control values and record increase in distance interpolated along line segment xco(trajPos+1) = xco(trajPos) + trajDeltaX; zco(trajPos+1) = zco(trajPos) + trajDeltaZ; trajPos = trajPos + 1; dist = dist + trajStepLength; oneSegmentCount = oneSegmentCount + 1; if oneSegmentCount >= ptsPerCell % If the oneSegmentCount increment indicates the end of trajectory line segment... preservePoint(trajPos) = 1; % Set the flag to force point to be copied into final interpolated coordinates, even if it is a replicate else preservePoint(trajPos) = 0; % otherwise set the flat to zero and treat like any other point end % fprintf('Interpolation %1.0f %1.0f %5.4e\n', xco,yco,zco); end end % Interpolation routine may have recorded the same cell from the stratal control volume consecutviely more than once, especially if the interpolation step was small % So need to find adjacent duplicates and remove them, and also count the nonzero values in the interpolated trajectory % Note that if the trajectory repeats the same coord cells, this is fine, so long as they are not adjacent in the trajectory k = 1; nonZeroPathCount = 0; for j=2:trajPos-1; if ~(x(j) == x(j-1) && z(j) == z(j-1)) || preservePoint(j) == 1 % If the j & j-1 x,y,zcoords are not equal point j on trajectory is not a duplicate sAreaPValsTrajFinal(k) = sAreaPValsTraj(j); % fprintf('%d x:%d z:%d p=%7.6f\n',k, x(j), z(j), sAreaPValsTrajFinal(k)); % line(xco(j),zco(j), 'LineStyle','none','Marker','x','MarkerSize',8, 'Color', [0 0.0 0.0]); if sAreaPValsTrajFinal(k) > 0 nonZeroPathCount = nonZeroPathCount + 1; end k=k+1; end end fprintf('%s trajectory %d points long interpolated to give total length %d points, %d points have p>0, mean p %6.5f\n', label, lenTrajectory, k, nonZeroPathCount, mean(sAreaPValsTrajFinal)); end function calculateASTRRValues(data, areaPlotVars) messageAll = sprintf('Accommodation Supply Trajectory Range Ratio (ASTRR) values for %d control space trajectories:\n', data.numberOfTrajectories); for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories RSLTraj = data.eustasyTraj(j, :) + data.subsidTraj(j, :); ASratioTraj = zeros(1,length(RSLTraj)); accommTraj = zeros(1,length(RSLTraj)); for k = 2:length(RSLTraj) accommTraj(k) = RSLTraj(k) - RSLTraj(k-1); ASratioTraj(k) = accommTraj(k) / (data.supplyTraj(k) / data.supplyReferenceArea); end meanASratioTraj = mean(ASratioTraj); trajAccommRange = (max(accommTraj) - min(accommTraj)) / (areaPlotVars.RSLMax - areaPlotVars.RSLMin); trajSupplyRange = (max(data.supplyTraj(j,:)) - min(data.supplyTraj(j,:))) / (data.supplyMax - data.supplyMin); ASTRR = trajAccommRange / trajSupplyRange; message = sprintf('Trajectory %d: Mean A:S ratio %5.4f ASTRR %5.4f\n', j, meanASratioTraj, ASTRR); messageAll = strcat(messageAll, message); end m1 = msgbox(messageAll,'ASTRR Values'); end %% stratal control volume and control area probability bar charts function gui = plotTrajectoryProbabilities(gui, data, volPlotVars, areaPlotVars) gui.f3 = figure('Visible','on','Position',[10 10 (gui.scrsz(3)/3) (gui.scrsz(4)/2)]); subplot(2,1,1); volTrajLens = length(volPlotVars.sVolPValsTraj); maxVolTrajN = max(volTrajLens); areaTrajLens = length(areaPlotVars.sAreaPValsTraj); maxAreaTrajN = max(areaTrajLens); barPlotData = zeros(maxVolTrajN,data.numberOfTrajectories); for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories barPlotData(:,j) = volPlotVars.sVolPValsTraj(j,:); handle = bar(barPlotData, 2.0); % 1 is the width of the bars, as a decimal fraction of the maximum width handle(j).FaceColor = data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3); handle(j).EdgeColor = data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3); end xlabel('Point number along the trajectory'); ylabel('Probability'); title('Stratal Control Volume Trajectory probabilities'); grid on; grid minor; subplot(2,1,2); barPlotData = zeros(maxAreaTrajN,data.numberOfTrajectories); for j = 1:data.numberOfTrajectories barPlotData(:,j) = areaPlotVars.sAreaPValsTraj(j,:); handle = bar(barPlotData, 2.0); % 1 is the width of the bars, as a decimal fraction of the maximum width handle(j).FaceColor = data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3); handle(j).EdgeColor = data.trajectoryColours(j,1:3); end xlabel('Point number along the trajectory'); ylabel('Probability'); title('Stratal Control Area Trajectory probabilities'); grid on; grid minor; % export_fig ../figures/f6_trajectoryPvalues.png end function gui = plotFigureKeyElements(gui, areaPlotVars) % "manually" draw a colour bar for cuboid frequency colour coding gui.f4 =figure('Visible','on','Position',[100 10 (gui.scrsz(3)/5) (gui.scrsz(4)/1.2)]); subplot(1,2,1); scale = [0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0]; for i=1:5 plotCuboid(0.5, 0.5, i, 0,1, 0,1, 0,1, scale(i)) end view([1 5 0.5]); % NB magnitude of the coords is not evaluated to define distance from axis area, only the direction of view they define axis off; % export_fig ../figures/f3_3dPCubes_key.png % "manually" draw a colour bar for frequency colour coding subplot(1,2,2); i=1; for RSL= areaPlotVars.RSLMin: areaPlotVars.RSLIncrement: areaPlotVars.RSLMax colour = [(areaPlotVars.RSLMax - RSL) / areaPlotVars.RSLRange 0 (RSL - areaPlotVars.RSLMin) / areaPlotVars.RSLRange]; patch([0.750 1.00 1.00 0.75], [i i i+1 i+1], colour); i=i+1; end for i=1:21 % 21 because going to start i at zero within the loop using i-1 because we want 0 value colour to be shown if i <= 10 rgbColour = [1 (((i-1)/20.0)*2) 0]; % using i-1 because we want 0 value colour to be shown else rgbColour = [1 - ((((i-1)/20.0) - 0.5) * 2) 1 0]; end patch([0 0.25 0.25 0], [i i i+1 i+1], rgbColour); end axis off; % export_fig ../figures/f4_RSL_prob_colourbars.png end function plotCuboid(x,y,z, plotEustasyStart, plotEustasyIncrement, plotSubsidStart, plotSubsidIncrement, plotSupplyStart, plotSupplyIncrement, scaleFactor) xcoCenterPoint = plotEustasyStart + ((x-1) * plotEustasyIncrement) + (plotEustasyIncrement * 0.5); xco1 = xcoCenterPoint - (plotEustasyIncrement * 0.5 * scaleFactor); xco2 = xcoCenterPoint + (plotEustasyIncrement * 0.5 * scaleFactor); ycoCenterPoint = plotSubsidStart + ((y-1) * plotSubsidIncrement) + (plotSubsidIncrement * 0.5); yco1 = ycoCenterPoint - (plotSubsidIncrement * 0.5 * scaleFactor); yco2 = ycoCenterPoint + (plotSubsidIncrement * 0.5 * scaleFactor); zcoCenterPoint = plotSupplyStart + (plotSupplyIncrement * 0.5); zco1 = zcoCenterPoint - (plotSupplyIncrement * 0.5 * scaleFactor); zco2 = zcoCenterPoint + (plotSupplyIncrement * 0.5 * scaleFactor); colour = makeColourMap(scaleFactor); % top face xco = [xco1 xco1 xco2 xco2]; yco = [yco1 yco2 yco2 yco1]; zco = [zco2 zco2 zco2 zco2]; patch(xco, yco, zco, colour,'LineStyle','-', 'FaceAlpha',0.50,'EdgeAlpha',0.50); % bottom face xco = [xco1 xco1 xco2 xco2]; yco = [yco1 yco2 yco2 yco1]; zco = [zco1 zco1 zco1 zco1]; patch(xco, yco, zco, colour,'LineStyle','-', 'FaceAlpha',0.50,'EdgeAlpha',0.50); %side - front face on y axis xco = [xco2 xco2 xco2 xco2]; yco = [yco1 yco2 yco2 yco1]; zco = [zco1 zco1 zco2 zco2]; patch(xco, yco, zco, colour,'LineStyle','-', 'FaceAlpha',0.50,'EdgeAlpha',0.50); %side - back face on y axis xco = [xco1 xco1 xco1 xco1]; yco = [yco1 yco2 yco2 yco1]; zco = [zco1 zco1 zco2 zco2]; patch(xco, yco, zco, colour,'LineStyle','-', 'FaceAlpha',0.50,'EdgeAlpha',0.50); %side - front face on x axis xco = [xco2 xco2 xco1 xco1]; yco = [yco1 yco1 yco1 yco1]; zco = [zco1 zco2 zco2 zco1]; patch(xco, yco, zco, colour,'LineStyle','-', 'FaceAlpha',0.50,'EdgeAlpha',0.50); %side - back face on x axis xco = [xco2 xco2 xco1 xco1]; yco = [yco2 yco2 yco2 yco2]; zco = [zco1 zco2 zco2 zco1]; patch(xco, yco, zco, colour,'LineStyle','-', 'FaceAlpha',0.50,'EdgeAlpha',0.50); end function plotCuboidOutline(x,y,z, plotEustasyStart, plotEustasyIncrement, plotSubsidStart, plotSubsidIncrement, plotSupplyStart,plotSupplyIncrement) xcoCenterPoint = plotEustasyStart + ((x-1) * plotEustasyIncrement) + (plotEustasyIncrement * 0.5); xco1 = xcoCenterPoint - (plotEustasyIncrement*0.5); xco2 = xcoCenterPoint + (plotEustasyIncrement*0.5); ycoCenterPoint = plotSubsidStart + ((y-1) * plotSubsidIncrement) + (plotSubsidIncrement * 0.5); yco1 = ycoCenterPoint - (plotSubsidIncrement*0.5); yco2 = ycoCenterPoint + (plotSubsidIncrement*0.5); zcoCenterPoint = plotSupplyStart + ((z-1) * plotSupplyIncrement) + (plotSupplyIncrement * 0.5); zco1 = zcoCenterPoint - (plotSupplyIncrement*0.5); zco2 = zcoCenterPoint + (plotSupplyIncrement*0.5); line([xco1 xco1 xco2 xco2 xco1],[yco1 yco2 yco2 yco1 yco1],[zco1 zco1 zco1 zco1 zco1]); line([xco1 xco1 xco2 xco2 xco1],[yco1 yco2 yco2 yco1 yco1],[zco2 zco2 zco2 zco2 zco2]); line([xco1 xco1],[yco1 yco1], [zco1 zco2]); end function rgbColour = makeColourMap(dataValue) if dataValue <= 0.5 rgbColour = [1 (dataValue*2) 0]; else rgbColour = [1 - ((dataValue - 0.5) * 2) 1 0]; end end function indexVal = findSupplyTrajIndex(supplyValue, supplyRange) % SupplyRange is a vector of the values that are on the z/y axis of the stratal control volumes, as defined by the range of sediment supply values in the input PDF % Function returns the index for the element of the supply range vector closest to supplyValue indexVal=1; while (indexVal < length(supplyRange) && supplyRange(indexVal+1) <= supplyValue) % Because we want to stop in the cell points to by indexVal when the next cell value is larger or the same indexVal = indexVal + 1; end end